Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hudson Wrestling

Hudson and Beau both enjoyed wrestling when they were there. Hudson ended his last tournament taking 1st place (of course the only one I miss). Beau's highest was 4th place - (huge improvement from 8th each tournament. Hudson was awarded his $100.00 bribe for winning 1st place. Sorry the picture of Hudson is of one of his 3rd place metals. The other picture is of Hudson and Coach Siebel.


vvjenks said...

Hudson - we're proud of you and Beau - we're proud of you. This is just the beginning.

We love watching each of you in your sports, including Hunter.

Keep it up.

vvjenks said...

I'm waiting for an update about the nursing career!

Jenks Family said...

we are going private send me your address at garrettandjilayne@hotmail.com